When the life in the soil has food, oxygen, water and a roof over it’s head, the microbes flourish and sufficiently feed the plant. Then the plant will be able to reach its genetic potential and the feed quality of the plant and yields will improve. This healthy plant will also have improved insect, disease, and drought resistance. Redmond products can play an important role in this crucial cycle of health for plants, animals and people. Looking for more detailed information? View our soil booklet (PDF).
Redmond Soil Programs
Nature’s primary way to feed a plant is through it’s roots and it is important to understand the source of the minerals being supplied. Is it diverse, balanced and friendly to the life in the soil?
Dry Application Rates for Large Areas
- SR 65 – (65% Redmond Conditioner with 35% Redmond Premium Minerals Salt blend) 200 to 300 lbs/acre. Typical application is with a broadcast spreader set at a 30 ft wide spread pattern. Bulk density of the product is about 75 lbs per cubic ft.
- Redmond Salt – 50 to 100 lbs/acre is normal. Use more where soil salt content is very low.
- Redmond Conditioner – 100 to 200 lbs/acre.
Dry Application Rates for Small Areas
- Redmond Salt – 0.25 lb. for every 250 square feet.
- Redmond Conditioner – 0.5 to 1 lb. for every 250 square feet.
A foliar application can complement the dry application and is beneficial to apply during times of mineral deficiencies due to stresses such as drought conditions or too much rain.
Foliar Rates for Large Areas
- Redmond Salt – 3 to 5 lbs/acre applied up to 4 times during a growing season. Stir into water the day before application. Take the liquid off the top and leave the sediment behind so it doesn’t plug the spray system.
- Redmond Conditioner – 6 to 10 lbs/acre repeated up to 4 times during the growing season. Stir and let it sit the day before application. Take liquid off the top same as the salt. This will have a lot of sediment. The sediment of both products can be spread over the soil.
Foliar Rates for Small Areas
- Redmond Salt – 1 teaspoon dissolved in 1 gallon of water for every 250 square feet. Prepare this solution same as stated above.
- Redmond Conditioner – 2 teaspoons for every 250 square feet. Prepare same as above.
Can be mixed with other sources of dry fertilizer. Consider the salt content of these ingredients before adding Redmond Salt.
Can be mixed with other biologically stimulating products such as compost, fish products and liquid humates.
About Sea Minerals
Sea life is void of many of the degenerative diseases that affect life on land because of the ability it has to maintain a perfect mineral balance. “Unlike the colloid state of top soil on land, the liquid crystalloid of the sea retains only the amount of each element that maintains a consistent chemical balance. Hence, excessive amounts of any given element(s) will drop to the bottom of the ocean where it can be taken up only if the plant and animal life have depleted that element from the water solution. Thus the chemical balance is maintained.”
Dr. Maynard Murray said, “The discovery of these facts led to researching the effects of sea minerals applied to soils and plants for healthier food. The results were astounding—plants grew faster and healthier, were more disease resistant and maintained higher nutritive value. Animals also preferred to graze on the treated pasture land.”
Origin of Redmond Minerals
When an ocean or sea dries up, it leaves behind mother nature’s best depository—a rich collection of all the minerals needed to replenish soil—including the rare earth nutrients. Almost 60 years ago, we found the mineral-rich remains of an ancient sea near Redmond, Utah. This sea salt was deposited during the Jurassic period and is one of the richest in minerals to be found. So the composition of our sea salt is similar to what it is in the ocean—nature’s perfect balance and proportion of minerals.
Many other salts undergo chemical processes to extract whatever minerals there are and then bleach, kiln-dry, and add anti-caking agents. Without these minerals, sodium chloride is a toxic substance but when left whole (with the valuable trace minerals intact) salt becomes life sustaining. Redmond’s salt is always unrefined, which means we leave all 60+ naturally occurring minerals intact. Instead of using chemical processes, we simply gather these minerals, crush them and package them.
Geologists say that the mineral concentrations in this unique salt were preserved and protected from modern pollutants for centuries by a layer of volcanic ash clay which we call Conditioner. This makes the Redmond deposits one of the most unique in the world.
Redmond Conditioner contains higher concentrations of all the minerals than our salt, except for the sodium and chloride of course. For example, Redmond Salt contains 0.5% calcium and Redmond Conditioner contains 5% calcium. This volcanic ash clay (Redmond Conditioner) is also mined naturally and is not chemically treated or refined in any way. When this clay was created, parent minerals that were already in existence mixed with seawater and were cooked at extremely high temperatures due to volcanic activity. Thus, these parent minerals were changed into a different form resulting in increased mineral concentration and availability.
So the uniqueness of the Redmond program is that we have the world’s best sea salt with 60+ minerals, AND the volcanic ash with 60+ minerals that helped mineralize this sea salt. Together, these products go a very long way toward replenishing depleted soils.

Why apply Redmond Salt?
- Ability to transfer an electrical charge (energy) to the life in the soil (Electrical Conductivity - EC).
- Provides 60+ minerals in a crystalline, highly available form which will move into the cells of a plant resulting in optimum quality.
- This perfect balance of minerals from nature contains 57% sodium, 36% chloride and 7% other major, secondary, micro and rare earth minerals.
- Improved taste or palatability of a plant.
- Sodium and chloride are essential for photosynthesis and nitrogen and manganese utilization in a plant.
- Uniquely, Redmond Salt’s minerals and salinity levels are nearly identical to the proportions you’d find in the blood of healthy livestock. We like to describe this ratio as mother nature’s formula for ideal plant, animal, and human health.
Why apply Volcanic Ash Clay Conditioner?
- Increases the soil’s ability to store and release minerals and water (Cation Exchange Capacity – CEC).
- Delivers the highly available colloidal form of 5% available calcium, 15% available silicon, and nature’s perfect balance of 60+ other available major, secondary, micro, and rare earth nutrients.
- Provides a protected habitat for rhizobia bacteria which form root nodules and create nitrogen for legume plants.
- Increases the amount of enzyme activity in the soil which improves residue decomposition and mineral availability.
The Law of the Minimum
Justus von Liebig developed this law which states that plant growth is determined by the scarcest, limiting nutrient. So even if all the major elements are present, production will still be limited by the lack of trace elements. As important as N-P-K are, it was learned that “the natural blend of sea minerals (the sea salts and associated trace minerals) have a more positive effect than fertilizing heavily with only a couple of elements.”
These results were consistent with Dr. Maynard Murray’s findings, “applying sea salts and associated trace minerals have a more positive effect than fertilizing heavily with just one or two elements (i.e., Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium). The proper ratio of minerals is more important than the total amount of minerals.” (Sea Energy Agriculture, 2003)
Stockman Grass Farmer also found similar results: “Fertilizing pasture with salt found to lift milk yield by 10%, milk fat by 5%, and lactose by 3% … Salting pastures increased grazing time, and biting rates, and cows would preferentially graze salt fertilized pastures over non-salted pastures…Fertilizing with salt appears to lower pasture bloat by increasing the digestibility of grasses and decreasing the effects of clover bloat.” (Stockman Grass Farmer, October 2000 & September 1999)
Beef Magazine’s research mirrors these finding as well…“Excessive potassium in plants causes an antagonistic effect on magnesium, calcium, and sodium and induces grass tetany, milk fever, downer cow syndrome and reproductive losses. Fertilizing pastures with salt reduced the excessive potassium levels.” (Beef Magazine, June 2003)
Customer Testimonials
The results speak for themselves. Click the arrows to navigate through a few of the testimonials we’ve received from our customers.
“ We grass finish cattle in New Mexico. We had to move some 1200 lb. steers from the normal winter annual finishing pastures (cereal rye) to a meadow brome field because of early spring heat. These steers were already fairly fat and though the meadow brome looked good, they stopped gaining. We decided to put the sea minerals to the test. We pumped 3 lbs. per acre of Redmond Sea Minerals through the pivot with around 6/10 inch of water per acre. The brome had been well watered but the Brix reading had been around 11. Two days after the sea mineral treatment the Brix reading was 20. The first week those steer gained in excess of 4.5 lbs./day. Weekly weights from that point averaged approximately 3 lbs./day until finished from just that one application. We continued on the brome with a set of yearlings after killing the 2 year old steers and saw ongoing benefits for much more than 2 months from this single application of mineral. If a guy has a pivot and an injector on it, it is a no-brainer to do this. The cost is nothing and the benefit is major. ”
Michael Davis New Mexico“ We have fed Redmond Mineral to our cattle for years and realized that all those minerals should benefit our soil too so we tried it. We mixed 1 part Redmond Salt to 5 parts Redmond Conditioner and spread it at 20 lbs. per acre. In one year our soil went from nothing to something. We also had a 15% increase in yield over the control area that we didn’t treat with sea minerals. We even got a better crop when we added microbial stimulant with the sea minerals. ”
Noel Alexander Nebraska“ They put the mineral salt at the rate of 200 lb per acre on annual ryegrass that was planted last November. It all looks good, but in a couple of places, they put it on 2 to 3 times heavier—400 to 600 lbs per acre. Where they put the heavier amount, the grass is twice as high as the rest and is a much darker green color. It really looks a lot better. They put cows on the pastures and within two days he could see a major difference in the animals. He loves seeing the results and is delighted in every way. ”
John Marshall Texas“ We applied 80 to 90 lbs. per acre and noticed that the animals cleaned off the fields better than ever before. ”
Gerald Smith British ColumbiaFrequently Asked Questions
Test your soil for sodium and soluble salts and run a wet chemistry feed test for micronutrients including sodium and chloride. Shop our Soil Test Kits here.
You can use a fertilizer density scale which can be purchased for about $50.00 at an Agri Supply Store. The bulk density is about 75 lbs per cubic foot.
Brix tests, tissue tests, plant sap pH, and feed tests at harvest. You can go to a local lab’s website or Dairyland Labs and read about each one of these tests.
We are not aware of any issues however it is a good idea to run a small test to verify this.
We suggest you apply Redmond products at a few different rates within our recommended range and compare the results.
These products contain major, secondary, micro and rare earth minerals but no nitrogen. Typically if you have an adequate level of Phosphorus and Potassium in your soil and a source of Nitrogen such as manure the salt and conditioner may be the only products you need to use.